Visak Bochea Day (Cambodia)

Visak Bochea Day is a holiday observed in South and Southeast Asia, and it falls on a full moon day in the month of Vaisakh in the Hindu calendar, around April and May each year.

Visak Bochea Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Gautama Buddha, the religious leader from Ancient India. He was the founder of the world religion of Buddhism.

Buddhists believe that their merits will be multiplied many times if they perform good deeds on Visak Bochea Day. Merit is a beneficial and protective force that accumulates from good deeds and acts. Merits will bring good results and determine the next life's quality. As a result, merits are important practices to Buddhists.

There are many celebrations among Buddhist communities on Visak Bochea Day, and many will decorate their templates.

The following is the list of Visak Bochea Day from 2024 to 2028.

Visak Bochea DayMay 22, 2024Wednesday
Visak Bochea DayMay 05, 2025Monday
Visak Bochea DayMay 22, 2026Friday
Visak Bochea DayMay 20, 2027Thursday
Visak Bochea DayMay 08, 2028Monday

Please check more public holidays in Cambodia:

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