National Uprising Day (Slovakia)

National Uprising Day is a public holiday in Slovakia, observed on AugustĀ 29 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary of the armed uprising launched on August 29, 1944, to resist German troops during World War II.

Czechoslovakia declared independence when the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed at the end of World War I in 1918. In 1938, it was occupied by Nazi Germany through the Munich Pact. The uprising was organized by the Slovak resistance movement aiming to resist Nazi German and overthrow the government of the Slovak Republic, the client state of Nazi Germany.

German forces largely defeated the uprising, but the guerrilla operations continued until Slovakia was liberated in 1945.

The following is the list of National Uprising Day in Slovakia from 2022 to 2026.

National Uprising DayAug 29, 2022Monday
National Uprising DayAug 29, 2023Tuesday
National Uprising DayAug 29, 2024Thursday
National Uprising DayAug 29, 2025Friday
National Uprising DayAug 29, 2026Saturday

Please check more public holidays in Slovakia:

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