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October Revolution Day (Belarus)

October Revolution Day is a public holiday in Belarus, and it is observed on November 7 each year.

October Revolution, also known as Red October or the October Uprising, took place on November 7, 1917 in the Gregorian calendar, which is on October 25 on the Julian calendar. This is also why the revolution was named October Revolution.

In World War I, the Russian Empire was defeated by the German Empire and the Austria-Hungary Empire, and Nicholas II of Russia was forced to abdicate. The former aristocrats and nobles took power and established a Provisional Government, but the new government was unpopular and weak.

On November 7 (October 25 in the Julian calendar), 1917, the Bolsheviks led their forces, initiated the October Revolution in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), and successfully overthrew the Provisional Government, which led to the establishment of Soviet Russia.

October Revolution Day was one of the main holidays in the Soviet Union but gradually lost its importance after its dissolution in 1991. Belarus is the only country celebrating November 7 as October Revolution Day.

The following is the list of October Revolution Day in Belarus from 2022 to 2026.

October Revolution DayNov 07, 2022Monday
October Revolution DayNov 07, 2023Tuesday
October Revolution DayNov 07, 2024Thursday
October Revolution DayNov 07, 2025Friday
October Revolution DayNov 07, 2026Saturday

Please check more public holidays in Belarus:

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