Home32 Navigation Shortcuts 32 Navigation Shortcuts Below is the list of 32 navigation shortcuts: What to doShortcutsMove one screen to the rightAlt + PageDownMove one screen to the leftAlt + PageUpMove to the top edge of the data rangeCtrl + ↑Move to the bottom of current dataCtrl + ↓Move to left edge of current dataCtrl + ←Move to the right edgeCtrl + →Move to the beginning of a worksheetCtrl + HomeMove to the last cell in useCtrl + EndDisplay "Find and Replace" dialog boxCtrl + FDisplay "Find and Replace" dialog boxCtrl + HMove to the next sheetCtrl + PageDownMove to the previous sheetCtrl + PageUpExtend selection to the last used cellCtrl + Shift EndReturn to the previous windowCtrl + Shift + F6Move to the top nonblank cellEnd, ↑Move to the bottom nonblank cellEnd, ↓Move to the last left nonblank cellEnd, ←Move to the last right nonblank cellEnd, →Move to the bottom-right corner of the windowScroll Lock, EndMove to the upper-left corner of the windowScroll Lock, HomeActivate previous workbook or toolbarShift + Ctrl + TabFind next blank cellShift + F4Display "Find and Replace" dialog boxShift + F5Move to the cell in frontShift + TabMove one cell up↑Move one cell down↓Move one cell left←Move one cell right→Move to the beginning of a rowHomeMove one screen downPageDownMove one screen upPageUpMove one cell to the rightTab Share Tweet Pin it