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Chinese Zodiac: Rooster

Rooster is the tenth zodiac of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. According to the tradition, people born in the year of the rooster are honest, smart and like to communicate with others. They are ambitious and strategic. However, they may care much for the things that are not great to them.

Both men and women are easily attracted by others, so they may have more partners. It is a great advice to think carefully and marry the right type of person.

  • Lucky number: 7, 5, 8
  • Unlucky number: 3, 9, 1
  • Lucky color: gold, brown, yellow
  • Unlucky color: green, red, blue, gray
  • Lucky direction: west, southwest, northeast
  • Lucky flower: gladiolus, impatiens, cockscomb

Year of Rooster:

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are assigned according to the Chinese calendar, which is different from the dates in the Gregorian calendar, especially for those were born at the beginning of the year. January in Gregorian calendar is usually November or December in the previous year in Chinese calendar.

People born within the date ranges can be said to have been born in the "Year of the Rooster".

YearStart dateEnd date
1909Jan 22, 1909Feb 09, 1910
1921Feb 08, 1921Jan 27, 1922
1933Jan 26, 1933Feb 13, 1934
1945Feb 13, 1945Feb 01, 1946
1957Jan 31, 1957Feb 17, 1958
1969Feb 17, 1969Feb 05, 1970
1981Feb 05, 1981Jan 24, 1982
1993Jan 23, 1993Feb 09, 1994
2005Feb 09, 2005Jan 28, 2006
2017Jan 28, 2017Feb 15, 2018
2029Feb 13, 2029Feb 02, 2030
2041Feb 01, 2041Jan 21, 2042
2053Feb 19, 2053Feb 07, 2054
2065Feb 05, 2065Jan 25, 2066
2077Jan 24, 2077Feb 11, 2078
2089Feb 10, 2089Jan 29, 2090
2101Jan 21, 2101Feb 16, 2102

Strength for people born in "Year of Rooster":

Weakness for people born in "Year of Rooster":


People born in the year of dog are good at reading people's minds and reacting quickly. They always have solutions no matter what kind of sudden and unexpected incidents.

They are good at socializing and can easily get along with friends. Most of things are well organized, but their own private rooms might be messy.

They are creative and talented in art, music and literature, but they rarely engage in this career. They have strong abilities and thoughtful thinking, and usually can be one step ahead of others in everything.

They like travelling and take risks, but don't like the authorities. They like to talk about people they know, and also think that the pleasant appearance is the most important thing in life.

Love Compatibility

In ancient Asian countries, the zodiac signs are important for young people because parents use the zodiac signs as references for their marriages. They believed some zodiac signs are good for marriage, while some others are not.

People born in the year of rooster are best compatible with those born in the years of oxdragon or snake, and are not compatible with those born in the years of dog.

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