Chinese Zodiac: Rat

Rat is the first zodiac of the 12 Chinese zodiac. According to the tradition, people born in the year of the rat are smart, having ambitions and strong desires. They are sincere and having careful thoughts. As a result, they are more successful and wealthy, and have a lot of happiness in the life if they could get along with people. However, things could turn into the opposite way if they deceive or bully people.

  • Lucky number: 2, 3
  • Unlucky number: 5, 9
  • Lucky color: blue, gold, green
  • Unlucky color: yellow, brown
  • Lucky direction: southeast, northeast
  • Lucky flower: lilies, African violets

Year of Rat:

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are assigned according to the Chinese calendar, which is different from the dates in the Gregorian calendar, especially for those were born at the beginning of the year. January in Gregorian calendar is usually November or December in the previous year in Chinese calendar.

People born within the date ranges can be said to have been born in the "Year of the Rat".

YearStart dateEnd date
1900Jan 31, 1900Feb 18, 1901
1912Feb 18, 1912Feb 05, 1913
1924Feb 05, 1924Jan 23, 1925
1936Jan 24, 1936Feb 10, 1937
1948Feb 10, 1948Jan 28, 1949
1960Jan 28, 1960Feb 14, 1961
1972Feb 15, 1972Feb 02, 1973
1984Feb 02, 1984Feb 19, 1985
1996Feb 19, 1996Feb 06, 1997
2008Feb 07, 2008Jan 25, 2009
2020Jan 25, 2020Feb 11, 2021
2032Feb 11, 2032Jan 30, 2033
2044Jan 30, 2044Feb 16, 2045
2056Feb 15, 2056Feb 03, 2057
2068Feb 03, 2068Jan 22, 2069
2080Jan 22, 2080Feb 08, 2081
2092Feb 07, 2092Jan 26, 2093

Strength for people born in "Year of Rat":

  • Sensitive, quick responses, strong environmental adaptability and ability to change;
  • Resourceful, understanding, smart and well-behaved, more active and changeable with strong desires and taking advantage of opportunities;
  • Optimistic character and look happy;
  • Strong curiosity, want to be involved in everything and deal with it skillfully;
  • Women love being clean and organized in the housework.

Weakness for people born in "Year of Rat":

  • Lack of courage, dignity, and the capacity of being a leader;
  • Being stubborn and hard to change opinions;
  • Shortcoming of being selfish and acting rashly;
  • Kind in nature but may not be polite in manner;
  • Opportunism and also picky sometimes.


People born in the year of rat are easy to get along. They work hard and like saving money, so most of them will have no worries about the basic life necessaries such as food and clothing.

They are cheerful, optimistic, and like to have parties. They will not give up even when they are in trouble. They have strong abilities, and are easy to adapt to the new changes.

They do not like to talk much but in fact they can get excited easily. They seem insignificant and also don't like to show off, but they work hard silently for their work and family. They will never give up until they reach the goals.

Love Compatibility

In ancient Asian countries, the zodiac signs are important for young people because parents use the zodiac signs as references for their marriages. They believed some zodiac signs are good for marriage, while some others are not.

People born in the year of rat are best compatible with those born in the years of dragon, monkey or ox, and are not compatible with those born in the years of horse, rabbit or goat.

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