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Chinese Zodiac: Monkey

Monkey is the ninth zodiac of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. According to the tradition, people born in the year of the monkey are lively, active and smart. To help others, they can give up their own business.

However, they often speak big words, and argue immediately if they don't agree with others' opinions.

  • Lucky number: 1, 8, 7
  • Unlucky number: 9, 2, 5
  • Lucky color: white, gold, blue
  • Unlucky color: red, black, gray, brown
  • Lucky direction: north, northwest, west
  • Lucky flower: Chrysanthemum

Year of Monkey:

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are assigned according to the Chinese calendar, which is different from the dates in the Gregorian calendar, especially for those were born at the beginning of the year. January in Gregorian calendar is usually November or December in the previous year in Chinese calendar.

People born within the date ranges can be said to have been born in the "Year of the Monkey".

YearStart dateEnd date
1908Feb 02, 1908Jan 21, 1909
1920Feb 20, 1920Feb 07, 1921
1932Feb 06, 1932Jan 25, 1933
1944Jan 25, 1944Feb 12, 1945
1956Feb 12, 1956Jan 30, 1957
1968Jan 30, 1968Feb 16, 1969
1980Feb 16, 1980Feb 04, 1981
1992Feb 04, 1992Jan 22, 1993
2004Jan 22, 2004Feb 08, 2005
2016Feb 08, 2016Jan 27, 2017
2028Jan 26, 2028Feb 12, 2029
2040Feb 12, 2040Jan 31, 2041
2052Feb 01, 2052Feb 18, 2053
2064Feb 17, 2064Feb 04, 2065
2076Feb 05, 2076Jan 23, 2077
2088Jan 24, 2088Feb 09, 2089
2100Feb 09, 2100Jan 28, 2101

Strength for people born in "Year of Monkey":

Weakness for people born in "Year of Monkey":


People born in the year of monkey have strong enterprising spirit. They love reading, work hard, and are very knowledgeable.

They overcome difficulties and fully concentrate if they like the work; however, they may not take it seriously if they do not like.

They value the relationship between husband and wife. The family is harmonious, peaceful and lovely. They also pay special attention to blood kinship and do their best to raise their children.

Women are naturally beautiful and fashionable. They have strong self-esteem and never forgive if others offend them; however, they will be the best hostess if you respect them.

Love Compatibility

In ancient Asian countries, the zodiac signs are important for young people because parents use the zodiac signs as references for their marriages. They believed some zodiac signs are good for marriage, while some others are not.

People born in the year of monkey are best compatible with those born in the years of rat or snake, and are not compatible with those born in the years of tiger or pig.

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