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Chinese Zodiac: Goat

Goat is the eighth zodiac of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. According to the tradition, people born in the year of the goat are thoughtful, gentle and respectful. They are the persons who can settle down and do things steadily.

They may doubt their efforts, but at the end, it proves that their efforts will be rewarded. People born in the year of goat do not like noisy and prefer living in quiet places.

  • Lucky number: 3, 9, 4
  • Unlucky number: 7, 6, 8
  • Lucky color: green, red, purple
  • Unlucky color: gold, brown, black
  • Lucky direction: east, southeast, south
  • Lucky flower: carnations, primroses, alice flowers

Year of Goat:

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are assigned according to the Chinese calendar, which is different from the dates in the Gregorian calendar, especially for those were born at the beginning of the year. January in Gregorian calendar is usually November or December in the previous year in Chinese calendar.

People born within the date ranges can be said to have been born in the "Year of the Goat".

YearStart dateEnd date
1907Feb 13, 1907Feb 01, 1908
1919Feb 01, 1919Feb 19, 1920
1931Feb 17, 1931Feb 05, 1932
1943Feb 05, 1943Jan 24, 1944
1955Jan 24, 1955Feb 11, 1956
1967Feb 09, 1967Jan 29, 1968
1979Jan 28, 1979Feb 15, 1980
1991Feb 15, 1991Feb 03, 1992
2003Feb 01, 2003Jan 21, 2004
2015Feb 19, 2015Feb 07, 2016
2027Feb 06, 2027Jan 25, 2028
2039Jan 24, 2039Feb 11, 2040
2051Feb 11, 2051Jan 31, 2052
2063Jan 29, 2063Feb 16, 2064
2075Feb 15, 2075Feb 04, 2076
2087Feb 03, 2087Jan 23, 2088
2099Jan 21, 2099Feb 08, 2100

Strength for people born in "Year of Goat":

Weakness for people born in "Year of Goat":


People born in the year of goat are honest, kind and gentle, and they are easy to be infected by others' experiences, especially unfortunate ones.

They like socializing with people and treat those who are nice to them sincerely. They have a happy marriage, be loved by the partner and other relatives.

They have a good fate, and never have to worry about the financial conditions. Women love decorations, take time to make up and dress up to show the beauty. They pay great attention to personal hygiene and clean everything.

However, the concept of time is not very strong, so you have to constantly reschedule when you contact them. Sometimes, they are pessimistic and sentimental, and may think things badly.

Love Compatibility

In ancient Asian countries, the zodiac signs are important for young people because parents use the zodiac signs as references for their marriages. They believed some zodiac signs are good for marriage, while some others are not.

People born in the year of goat are best compatible with those born in the years of rabbithorse or pig, and are not compatible with those born in the years of ox or dog.

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