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Chinese Zodiac: Dog

Dog is the eleventh zodiac of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. According to the tradition, people born in the year of the dog are courageous, active, smart, hopeful and passionate, however, they are slightly irritable and like spending money. Women are charming and attractive.

  • Lucky number: 3, 4, 9
  • Unlucky number: 1, 7, 6
  • Lucky color: green, red, purple
  • Unlucky color: Blue, white, gold
  • Lucky direction: East, southeast and south
  • Lucky flower: roses, oncidium, whelan flower

Year of Dog:

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are assigned according to the Chinese calendar, which is different from the dates in the Gregorian calendar, especially for those were born at the beginning of the year. January in Gregorian calendar is usually November or December in the previous year in Chinese calendar.

People born within the date ranges can be said to have been born in the "Year of the Dog".

YearStart dateEnd date
1910Feb 10, 1910Jan 29, 1911
1922Jan 28, 1922Feb 15, 1923
1934Feb 14, 1934Feb 03, 1935
1946Feb 02, 1946Jan 21, 1947
1958Feb 18, 1958Feb 07, 1959
1970Feb 06, 1970Jan 26, 1971
1982Jan 25, 1982Feb 12, 1983
1994Feb 10, 1994Jan 30, 1995
2006Jan 29, 2006Feb 17, 2007
2018Feb 16, 2018Feb 04, 2019
2030Feb 02, 2030Jan 22, 2031
2042Jan 22, 2042Feb 09, 2043
2054Feb 08, 2054Jan 27, 2055
2066Jan 26, 2066Feb 13, 2067
2078Feb 12, 2078Feb 01, 2079
2090Jan 30, 2090Feb 17, 2091
2102Feb 17, 2102Feb 06, 2103

Strength for people born in "Year of Dog":

Weakness for people born in "Year of Dog":


People born in the year of dog are conservative and cautious by nature, and as a result, it takes time to make friends with others. However, once they know the person, they will maintain the sincere relationship.

They have a strong sense of justice, and will do everything for the most important persons in mind. Because of the loyal personality, they often work in the service industry and help others.

The do not like noisy, and like being quiet.

They are not good at expressing their ideas, and it is hard to convey what they think, which may give others the impression of stubborn. They lack confidence and blame others for their mistakes.

Love Compatibility

In ancient Asian countries, the zodiac signs are important for young people because parents use the zodiac signs as references for their marriages. They believed some zodiac signs are good for marriage, while some others are not.

People born in the year of dog are best compatible with those born in the years of tigerrabbit or horse, and are not compatible with those born in the years of dragon, rooster or ox.

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