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Mothers' Day (El Salvador)

Mothers' Day is a public holiday in El Salvador, and it is observed on May 10 each year.

Mothers' Day is a holiday in honor of motherhood. People celebrate Mother's Day in different forms and on different days worldwide. The original celebration can track back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, while the modern Mother's Day celebrations started in the United States in the early 20th century.

Modern Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1907, when Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day in the United States, held a memorial for her mother, and the holiday was observed in most states in 1909. Other countries then adopted it.

Mothers' Day is a chance for children to tell their mom how much they love her in many ways, such as through cards, gifts, and meals.

The following is the list of Mothers' Day in El Salvador from 2022 to 2026.

Mothers' DayMay 10, 2022Tuesday
Mothers' DayMay 10, 2023Wednesday
Mothers' DayMay 10, 2024Friday
Mothers' DayMay 10, 2025Saturday
Mothers' DayMay 10, 2026Sunday

Please check more public holidays in El Salvador:

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