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Manit Day (Marshall Islands)

Manit Day, also known as Culture Day, is a public holiday in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and it is observed on the last Friday of September each year.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is an independent island country in the Pacific Ocean. The last week of September in the country is the cultural festival called Lutok Kobban Alele. The island's current culture combines western and traditional culture, and the festival's purpose is to promote and preserve the Marshallese culture.

The main celebrations are held at the Alele Museum, Library, and National Archives, located in Majuro's capital city. Many people will set up booths and sell various traditional products, including food, drink, artwork, tools, and other handmade products.

Manit Day is the week's Friday, and the holiday is celebrated with traditional singing and dancing. Traditional competitions such as coconut husking and basket weaving will also be held during the festival.

The following is the list of Manit Day in the Republic of the Marshall Islands from 2022 to 2026.

Manit DaySep 23, 2022Friday
Manit DaySep 29, 2023Friday
Manit DaySep 27, 2024Friday
Manit DaySep 26, 2025Friday
Manit DaySep 25, 2026Friday

Please check more public holidays in the Republic of the Marshall Islands:

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