Liberation Day (Italy)

Liberation Day, also known as the Anniversary of Italy's Liberation, is a national holiday in Italy, and it is observed on April 25 each year.

Liberation Day commemorates the end of Fascism and the Nazi German occupation in 1945, and the end of World War II in Italy.

Many towns will have celebrations like marches, parades, and concerts. It is also a day to honor those who lost their lives and veterans in the Italian Resistance.

Liberation Day was first celebrated in 1946, and in 1949, the holiday was made a permanent national holiday by law.

The following is the list of Liberation Day in Italy from 2022 to 2026.

Liberation DayApr 25, 2022Monday
Liberation DayApr 25, 2023Tuesday
Liberation DayApr 25, 2024Thursday
Liberation DayApr 25, 2025Friday
Liberation DayApr 25, 2026Saturday

Please check more public holidays in Italy:

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