King Tupou VI's Birthday (Tonga)

King Tupou VI's Birthday is a public holiday in Tonga, and it is observed on July 4 each year. The holiday celebrates the official birthday of Tupou VI, the King of Tonga.

King Tupou VI is the current King of Tonga. He was born on July 12, 1959, and is the third and youngest son of Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV, born on July 4, 1918. King Tupou VI adopted July 4 as his official birthday.

King Tupou IV's eldest son George Tupou V became the King of Tonga in 2006 after his death. However, George Tupou V had no legitimate children, and Tupou VI was confirmed as the heir presumptive.

After his brother King George Tupou V, died on March 18, 2012, Tupou VI became the King of Tonga. The crown ceremony was conducted on July 4, 2015, at Centenary Church in Nukuʻalofa.

The following is the list of King Tupou VI's Birthday in Tonga from 2022 to 2026.

King Tupou VI's BirthdayJul 04, 2022Monday
King Tupou VI's BirthdayJul 04, 2023Tuesday
King Tupou VI's BirthdayJul 04, 2024Thursday
King Tupou VI's BirthdayJul 04, 2025Friday
King Tupou VI's BirthdayJul 04, 2026Saturday

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