How to Add the Calculated Item in Pivot Table

After making a Pivot Table, you can add calculated items. Please see steps below:

Step 1: Click any cell in the item column which you want to add, e.g., "Region";

Step 2: Click the "Analyze" Tab from the Ribbon (or the PivotTable Analyze Tab in Excel 365);

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is excelpivrefreshtable02.jpg

Step 3: Click "Fields, Items, & Sets" in the "Calculations" section;

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is excelpivotcalculated02.jpg

Step 4: Select "Calculated Item" from the drop-down list;

Step 5: In the new window, type the name of the calculated item, and click "Add";

Step 6: Click "OK" at the bottom. The new calculated item will show in the list.

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