Louis Riel Day

Louis Riel Day is a provincial statutory holiday in Manitoba, Canada, and it is observed on the third Monday in February.

Louis Riel is the founder of the province of Manitoba. On Louis Riel Day, there are many government and community organized activities for families to spend time together.

The same day is also celebrated as Family Day in other provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan.

The following is the list of Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Canada from 2022 to 2026:

Louis Riel DayFeb 21, 2022Monday
Louis Riel DayFeb 20, 2023Monday
Louis Riel DayFeb 19, 2024Monday
Louis Riel DayFeb 17, 2025Monday
Louis Riel DayFeb 16, 2026Monday

Please check more public holidays in Manitoba, Canada:

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