Why X Axis in Bubble Chart Show Integers

Problems: X axis in the Bubble Chart does not show proper values, instead X axis is showing integers.

The problem is that the bubble chart has used all the data including the first cell with text, please click anywhere in the chart to check. When the first cell with Text is selected, the X axis displays integers.

While the first cell is not selected in the normal Excel Data Table for Bubble chart?

To make X-axis show data properly, we need to make the first cell not to be selected.

Step 1: Right click on the Bubble Chart, click "Select Data";

Step 2: Click "Edit" in the "Select Data Source" window;

Step 3: In the "Edit Series" window, change formula in the "Series X values" box. For example, change $A$1:$A$6 to $A$2:$A$6;

After changing formula, the first cell will not be selected;

Step 4: Click OK at the bottom. X axis will become normal.

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