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Thanksgiving Day (United States)

Thanksgiving Day is a federal public holiday in the United States, and it is observed on the fourth Thursday in November each year.

Thanksgiving Day celebrates the successful harvest and all the blessings from the last year. People get together with families and friends to enjoy traditional food, including roasted turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. For many families, the turkey leftovers may last several days to use up.

In the early years, when people of Europeans landed on the new land, they prayed the blessings such as a safe journey, abundant harvests, and even military victories. The prayer day gradually became Thanksgiving Day. Nowadays, although many churches still provide special services, Thanksgiving Day has slowly moved away from its religious roots and become a holiday for all people from various backgrounds.

Schools, government departments, and many businesses are closed during the holiday, and many people have a day to spend time with families.

The following is the list of Thanksgiving Day in the United States from 2022 to 2026.

Thanksgiving DayNov 24, 2022Thursday
Thanksgiving DayNov 23, 2023Thursday
Thanksgiving DayNov 28, 2024Thursday
Thanksgiving DayNov 27, 2025Thursday
Thanksgiving DayNov 26, 2026Thursday

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