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Shift+Left Arrow: Extends Selection One Cell Left

The shortcut Shift+Left Arrow is to extend the selection by one cell left.

Step 1: Click anywhere in a worksheet, e.g., C5;

Step 2: Press the "Shfit" key from the keyboard, then click the "Left Arrow". You will find you have selected cell C5 and cell B5.

If you want to extend the selection to the end or the first cell in the same row or column, you may refer to the shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Arrow" as below:

Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow: Select the cell and all the cells in front of the cell in the same row;

Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow: Select the cell and all the cells after the cell in the same row;

Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow: Select the cell and all the cells above the cell in the same column;

Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow: Select the cell and all the cells below the cell in the same column.

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