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Sham El Nessim

Sham El Nessim is a public holiday in Egypt, and it is observed on Orthodox Easter Monday, the day after Easter Sunday.

Sham El Nessim celebrates the arrival of spring. It is one of the oldest and most sacred festivals in Egypt, and its first celebration can go back to ancient Egyptian times since 2,600 BC.

Sham El-Nassim means "smelling the breeze" in Arabic, and it is related to the agricultural background of ancient Egyptians.

The following is the list of Sham El Nessim in Egypt from 2022 to 2026.

Sham El NessimApr 25, 2022Monday
Sham El NessimApr 17, 2023Monday
Sham El NessimMay 06, 2024Monday
Sham El NessimApr 21, 2025Monday
Sham El NessimApr 13, 2026Monday

Please check more public holidays in Egypt:

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