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Robert E. Lee's Birthday

Robert E. Lee's Birthday is a public holiday in the states of Alabama and Mississippi, United States, and it is observed on the third Monday of January each year.

Robert E. Lee's Birthday marks the birth of Robert E. Lee and celebrates together with Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Robert E. Lee was born on January 19, 1807, and was a commander of the Southern Army during the American Civil War.

The following is the list of Robert E. Lee's Birthday in the United States from 2022 to 2026.

Robert E. Lee's BirthdayJan 17, 2022Monday
Robert E. Lee's BirthdayJan 16, 2023Monday
Robert E. Lee's BirthdayJan 15, 2024Monday
Robert E. Lee's BirthdayJan 20, 2025Monday
Robert E. Lee's BirthdayJan 19, 2026Monday

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