The Names of Hindu Months

The Hindu calendar, also Panchanga, is a lunisolar calendar which is based the movements of Sun and Moon, and there are 12 months in the Hindu Calendar.

#Month NameDaysFirst Day in
Gregorian calendar
1Caitra30/31*March 22*
2Vaisakha31April 21
3Jyaistha31May 22
4Asadha31June 22
5Sravana31July 23
6Bhadra31August 23
7Asvina30September 23
8Kartika30October 23
9Agrahayana30November 22
10Pausa30December 22
11Magha30January 21
12Phalguna30February 20

* On a leap year, there are 31 days in the month Caitra, and it starts from March 21.

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