Convert Light-minute to Centimeter


Centimeter (cm):

The light-minute is the distance that the light travels in the vacuum space in one minute. One light-minute is equal to 1.798754748 × 1012 centimeters.


1 light-minute = 1.798754748 × 1012 centimeters


  • Light-minute : NA
  • Centimeter: cm

Convert to Meter:

  • 1 light-minute = 1.798754748 × 1010 meters
  • 1 centimeter = 0.01 meters


  • 10 light-minutes = 10 × 1.798754748 × 1012 centimeters = 1.798754748 × 1013 centimeters
  • 20 light-minutes = 20 × 1.798754748 × 1012 centimeters = 3.597509496 × 1013 centimeters

The following is the conversion from light-minutes to centimeters:

11.798754748 × 1012203.597509496 × 1013
23.597509496 × 1012305.396264244 × 1013
35.396264244 × 1012407.195018992 × 1013
47.195018992 × 1012508.99377374 × 1013
58.99377374 × 1012601.0792528488 × 1014
61.0792528488 × 1013701.2591283236 × 1014
71.2591283236 × 1013801.4390037984 × 1014
81.4390037984 × 1013901.6188792732 × 1014
91.6188792732 × 10131001.798754748 × 1014
101.798754748 × 101310001.798754748 × 1015

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