Jhulan Purnima

Jhulan Purnima is a regional holiday in the state of Odisha, India, and it is observed in the monsoon month of Shraavana, which usually falls in July and August on the Gregorian calendar.

Jhulan Purnima is a festival that honours the swing pastime of deities of Radha and Krishna's romance love. The love of Radha and Krishna is the most romantic one, which is mentioned in many kinds of literature.

The following is the list of Jhulan Purnima from 2022 to 2026.

Jhulan PurnimaAug 11, 2022Thursday
Jhulan PurnimaAug 30, 2023Wednesday
Jhulan PurnimaAug 19, 2024Monday
Jhulan PurnimaAug 08, 2025Friday
Jhulan PurnimaAug 27, 2026Thursday

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