How to Insert a Watermark on First Page Only in Word

When adding a watermark in the word file, by default, the watermark will appear on every page. However, you can manipulate it to appear only on certain pages. Please see the steps below to add the watermark only on the first page of your Word document.

1. Insert a Watermark

Step 1: Double click the header area and keep the cursor in the header. Click the "Design" tab from the ribbon;

Step 2: Click the "Watermark" command in the "Page Background" section;

Step 3: Select the watermark you need from the drop-down list or insert an image watermark. Now the watermark will display on every page;

2. Insert Section Break

Step 4: Click anywhere in the content to move the cursor out of the header or footer area, then move the mouse cursor to the end of the first page;

Step 5: Click the "Breaks" command from the "Layout" tab in the ribbon, then click "Next Page" from the drop-down list to insert a section break;

Step 6: Double click the header on the second page and click on "Link to Previous" in the "Design" tab from the ribbon.

Step 7: Now you can click on the watermarks on the second page and press the "Delete" key from the keyboard to delete the watermarks on the second page and after.

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