How to Sort a Data Range by Cell Icon

Please follow the steps below to sort a data range based on the cells' icons (please check How to Use Icons to Present Values in the Cells):

Step 1: Click any cell in the data range with cell icons;

Step 2: Click the "Home" tab from the ribbon;

Step 3: Click the triangle after the "Sort & Filter" in the "Editing" section;

Step 4: Click "Custom Sort" from the drop-down list;

Step 5: In the "Sort" window,

1. Select the sort column in the first box (Column C in this example);

2. Select "Conditional Formatting Icon" in the second box;

3. Select the icons you want to move to the top or bottom in the third box;

4. Select "On Top" or "On Bottom" in the fourth box.

Step 6: Click "OK" and the icons will be on the top or bottom (Green on top in this example).

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