How to Change Pivot Table in Outline Form

When you first create a Pivot Table with multiple row items, the default layout for the Pivot Table is Compact Form, which lists all row items in one column and saves more spaces to numeric data. While Outline Form displays subtotals at the top of every group. Please follow steps below to change the Pivot Table to the Outline Form.

Step 1: Click any cell within the Pivot Table;

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is excelpivtabletabularlayout01.jpg

Step 2: Click "Design" Tab from the Ribbon;

Step 3: Click "Report Layout" in the "Layout" section;

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is excelpivdesigntab02.jpg

Step 4: Click "Show in Outline Form" from the drop-down list;

Step 5: The Pivot table will change to the Outline form.

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