How to Modify Chart Elements

After you make a chart in Excel, Excel 2016 and later versions provide users an easy way to add, remove or modify the chart elements by using the chart handle. Please see below for details:

Step 1: Move the cursor to the chart and click on it, you will see 3 icons appearing on the right side of the chart;

Step 2: Click on the plus sign, you will see the list of the "Chart Elements" such as Axis, Axis Titles, Chart Title, etc;

Step 3: Check the box in front of the elements and the elements will appear in the chart, while uncheck one element, the element will disappear from the chart;

For example, if we check the "Data Labels", you will see the bar values are now on top of each bar.

If we uncheck the chart title, and the title will disappear from the chart.

Please note that most time you still need to format the elements after adding them on the chart.

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