How to Make a Sunburst Chart

A Sunburst Chart provides a hierarchical view of your data making it easy to compare. Each level of the hierarchy is represented by one ring. A sunburst chart with multiple levels of categories shows how the outer rings relate to the inner rings. Please follow the steps below to make a sunburst chart:

Step 1: Select the data you want to make a chart;

Step 2: Click the "Insert" Tab from the ribbon;

Step 3: Click the "Insert Hierarchy Chart", and click the "Sunburst" chart;

Step 4: A Sunburst Chart will be created.

Step 5: Change Chart Title: Click on the title then select the words inside the box to replace with the proper ones;

Step 6: Label Options: The default chart comes with the category names. Double click on any data label, in the dialog box, check "Value" box to add values.

Another method is to right click on Data Labels, select Format Data Point in the dialog box, then click "Value" box in the "Label Options" window.

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