How to Change Sparklines Types

Sparkline is one of the mini charts that are placed in a single cell, representing the data you selected. Please follow the steps to change sparkline type from one to another (see how to insert a sparkline: line sparkline, column sparkline, and win/loss sparkline):

Step 1: Select the cells containing sparklines, e.g., line sparkline;

Step 2: Click "Sparkline" Tab from the ribbon (or "Design" Tab if Excel 2016 or earlier version);

Step 3: Click "Column" if you want to change to the column sparklines or click "Win/Loss" if you want to change to "Win/Loss" sparklines.

Alternatively, please use commands from "Insert" Tab in the Ribbon.

Step 1: After selecting sparklines, click the "Insert" tab from the ribbon;

Step 2: Click "Column" or "Win/Loss" from "Sparklines" section;

Step 3: In the "Create Sparklines" window, select data;

Step 4: Click "OK" at the bottom, new line sparklines (Column or Win/Loss) will be generated.

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