Nunavut Day
Nunavut Day is celebrated annually to commemorate the creation of Nunavut, Canada’s newest and largest territory. This day honors the signing of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, which led to the official establishment of Nunavut as a separate territory on April 1, 1999.
Orangemen's Day in Northern Ireland
Orangemen's Day, also known as The Twelfth, is a holiday celebrated by members of the Orange Order, a Protestant fraternal organization. The day commemorates the Battle of the Boyne, a significant historical event in Ireland.
Orangemen's Day
Orangemen's Day, also known as The Twelfth, is a holiday celebrated by members of the Orange Order, a Protestant fraternal organization. The day commemorates the Battle of the Boyne, a significant historical event in Ireland.
Pioneer Day
Pioneer Day is a state holiday in Utah, and this day marks a significant event in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and is an important celebration for its members, particularly in Utah and in the surrounding regions where the Church has a strong presence.
Terry Fox Day
Terry Fox Day is an annual observance in Canada dedicated to honoring the legacy of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research activist. His story continues to inspire millions around the world to contribute to cancer research and raise awareness about the disease.
Heritage Day in Alberta
Heritage Day is observed annually in the province of Alberta, Canada. While it is not a statutory holiday, it is recognized as a civic holiday, giving Albertans an opportunity to celebrate their province’s rich cultural diversity and heritage.
British Columbia Day
British Columbia Day is a public holiday in the province of British Columbia, Canada. It is part of the larger Civic Holiday observed in many parts of Canada.
New Brunswick Day
New Brunswick Day is a provincial holiday celebrated in New Brunswick, Canada. Like other Civic Holidays across Canada, New Brunswick Day is an opportunity for residents to celebrate their province’s unique heritage, culture and achievements.
Civic Holiday
The Civic Holiday is a public holiday celebrated in most provinces and territories across Canada on the first Monday in August. It is a general holiday intended to give Canadians a mid-summer break, but the specific name and significance of the holiday vary by region.
Saskatchewan Day
Saskatchewan Day is observed annually as a provincial holiday in Saskatchewan, Canada. It is part of the broader Civic Holiday tradition across Canada, though its specific focus and celebrations vary by province.