How to Add Header or Footer Every Page Except Page 1 in Word

When adding a header or footer in a Word document, all pages by default will have the header or footer. If you want to change the default setting and add a header or footer on every page except the first page, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click the "Insert" tab from the Ribbon;

Step 2: Click the "Header" (or "Footer") command from the "Header&Footer" section;

Step 3: Select one style from the drop-down list (e.g., the Austin style);

Step 4: In the "Design" tab (or Header & Footer tab if Microsoft 365) from the ribbon, check the "Different First Page" command;

Now the header or footer on the first page is different from all other pages. You can delete the contents and formatting in the header or footer on the first page if you want to leave it empty.

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