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Great Prayer Day

Great Prayer Day, also known as Store Bededag, is a public holiday in Denmark, and it is observed on the 4th Friday after Easter.

Great Prayer Day was introduced in the Church of Denmark in 1686 by King Christian V, and it was the day of prayer, fasting, and penitence. In 1770, there was a reform for the holy days because there were many different ones in Denmark, and Great Prayer Day was one of the surviving ones.

Traditionally, people buy bread in the evening before the holiday because bakers and many others were not allowed to work on Great Prayer Day.

The following is the list of Great Prayer Day in Denmark from 2022 to 2026.

Great Prayer DayMay 13, 2022Friday
Great Prayer DayMay 05, 2023Friday
Great Prayer DayApr 26, 2024Friday
Great Prayer DayMay 16, 2025Friday
Great Prayer DayMay 01, 2026Friday

Please check more public holidays in Denmark:

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