1. Basic Chart: In this chapter, we will introduce different built-in charts we can make in Excel such as Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Stacked Column Chart, Line Chart with Markers, Doughnut Chart, Area Chart, Treemap Chart, Sunburst Chart, Histogram Chart, Pareto Chart, Scatter Chart, Bubble Chart and Radar Chart, more…
2. Advanced Chart: In this chapter, we will introduce how to make some complicated charts such as Gantt Chart, Stock Chart, Thermometer Chart etc. These charts are built from the basic charts but they will need extra steps to finish, more…
3. Chart Elements: In this chapter, we will introduce how to add, remove or modify chart elements such as title, legend, data table, axis title etc. more…
4. Chart Axis: Axis is important in a chart and we can improve our charts by adjusting axis such as the scale, the axis color, the rotation and location etc. more…
5. Sparkline: Line Sparkline is one of the mini charts that are placed in a single cell, representing the trend of data that you have selected. In this chapter, we will introduce how to insert, change or clear a sparkline etc.more…
6. Pivot Chart and Mapping: Pivot Chart is a great tool to graphically summarize and explore your complicated data. 3D mapping is fully integrated into Excel from version 2016, and 2D mapping is integrated into Excel from version 2019, which both provide a new way of looking at our data. In this chapter, we will instroduce how to introduce how to use pivot chart and Excel mapping, more…