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Carabobo Battle (Venezuela)

Carabobo Battle is a public holiday in Venezuela, and it is observed on June 24 each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo in 1821.

Venezuela is a country located on the northern coast of South America. Christopher Columbus arrived in 1498 during his third voyage. Spain colonized Venezuela starting in 1522 and established the first permanent South American settlement.

In 1808, Napoleon led the French Empire and invaded the homeland of Spain which created a power vacuum in Spanish colonies in America. Venezuelans took the opportunity and successfully deposed the Spanish Governor on April 19, 1810. On July 5, 1811, Venezuelans led by Francisco de Miranda declared independence from Spain and established the First Republic, which collapsed in 1812.

In 1813, Simón Bolívar re-established the Second Republic of Venezuela but failed again in 1814. In 1817, he declared the Third Republic of Venezuela with the aim of liberating the entirety of Venezuela.

The Battle of Carabobo was fought between independence fighters led by Simón Bolívar and the Spanish Royalist forces on June 24, 1821. Bolívar won the battle after a hard fight, and it was a decisive victory, which resulted in the independence of Venezuela and the establishment of the Republic of Gran Colombia (present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela, and part of Peru and Brazil).

The following is the list of Carabobo Battle in Venezuela from 2022 to 2026.

Carabobo BattleJun 24, 2022Friday
Carabobo BattleJun 24, 2023Saturday
Carabobo BattleJun 24, 2024Monday
Carabobo BattleJun 24, 2025Tuesday
Carabobo BattleJun 24, 2026Wednesday

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