Boun Ok Phansa (Laos)

Boun Ok Phansa is a public holiday in Laos, and it is observed at the end of the rainy season, 3 months after Khao Phansa.

Boun Ok Phansa marks the end of the three-month period of Vassa when monks are required to remain in a particular monastery or temple grounds, usually from July to October. It coincides with the rainy season, and traditionally the monks are not allowed to stay overnight in other places. They will study, meditate or teach other young monks during this time.

The following is the Boun Ok Phansa in Laos from 2022 to 2026.

Boun Ok PhansaOct 09, 2022Sunday
Boun Ok PhansaOct 28, 2023Saturday
Boun Ok PhansaOct 17, 2024Thursday
Boun Ok PhansaOct 07, 2025Tuesday
Boun Ok PhansaOct 26, 2026Monday

Please check more public holidays in Laos:

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