If you are receiving hundreds of messages per day, you can use flags to mark the important messages. For example, you can create a message folder to hold all the messages from your boss or any important topics.
Step 1: Create a new folder to include the message you are going to flag (e.g., Excelnotes);
Step 2: Move to the Inbox, and click one message that you are going to move, for example, message notices to moderate the comments;
Step 3: In the "Home" Tab, click "Rules", then click "Create Rule";
Step 4: Check "Subject contains" and type the words in the box of "Subject contains" in the "Create Rule" window;
Step 5: Check "Move the item to folder" and navigate to the target folder;
Step 6: If you have more rules, please click "Advanced Settings" in the "Create Rule" window;
Step 7: In the "Rule Wizard" window, choose the criteria for the message from;
Step 8: Click "Next" and in the new window, choose the criteria you want to do with the messages in two steps;
– First step: To check the rules you want to apply in the first box;
– Second step: Click the underlined value in the second box to apply this rule after the message arrives.
Step 9: Click "Next" to exclude the messages if there is an exception;
Step 10: In the next window, set up one of the two rule options and click "Finish".