How to Add a Header and Footer in Excel

Header or footer are at the top or bottom of a printed worksheet in Excel and useful for showcasing information such as page numbers, the date, and the name of your file.

Headers and footers will display only in Page Layout view, Print Preview, and on printed pages. You can create your own or use the built-in headers and footers.

Step 1: Click anywhere in the worksheet;

Step 2: Click the "Insert" tab in the ribbon;

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is excelinserttab.jpg

Step 3: Click "Text" and select "Header & Footer" from the list ;

Step 4: Your worksheet will switch to the Page Layout window, move up to find the header section or move down to find the footer section.

Step 5: Type the header or footer in the box. Click anywhere in the worksheet to move out of the header or footer.

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