Working Days Sarawak 2026

Malaysia | Johor | Kedah | Kelantan | Melaka | Negeri Sembilan | Pahang | Penang | Perak | Perlis | Sabah | Sarawak | Selangor | Terengganu | FT Kuala Lumpur | FT Labuan | FT Putrajaya

2026 is a common year that has 365 days. Sarawak has 104 weekend days, 19 public holidays, and 242 working days.

One public holiday falls on Sunday and is observed on the following Monday. Two public holidays fall on Saturday, please check holidays here.

There are 242 working days if people take the replacement holidays for those falling on Saturday or 244 working days if people do not take the replacement holidays.

Month Workday Weekend Holiday Total
January 1-31 21 9 1 31
February 1-28 18 8 2 28
March 1-31 20 (1)* 9 2 31
April 1-30 21 8 1 30
May 1-31 18 10 3 31
June 1-30 18 8 4 30
July 1-31 22 8 1 31
August 1-31 19 10 2 31
September 1-30 21 8 1 30
October 1-31 21 (1)* 9 1 31
November 1-30 21 9 0 30
December 1-31 22 8 1 31
Total 242 (2) 104 19 365

* Months with public holidays falling on Saturday, please check holidays here.

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