Numbers are written in the same way in mathematics like 1, 2, 3…., however, the writing and pronunciation of the numbers vary in different languages.
In this article, you will find out how to write numbers of ones, tens, hundreds, thousands and millions in French.
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0 to 19 (zero to nineteen)
Number | French | Number | French |
0 | zéro | 10 | dix |
1 | un | 11 | onze |
2 | deux | 12 | douze |
3 | trois | 13 | treize |
4 | quatre | 14 | quatorze |
5 | cinq | 15 | quinze |
6 | six | 16 | seize |
7 | sept | 17 | dix-sept |
8 | huit | 18 | dix-huit |
9 | neuf | 19 | dix-neuf |
10 to 900 (tens and hundreds)
10 | dix | 100 | cent |
20 | vingt | 200 | deux cents |
30 | trente | 300 | trois cents |
40 | quarante | 400 | quatre cents |
50 | cinquante | 500 | cinq cents |
60 | soixante | 600 | six cents |
70 | soixante-dix | 700 | sept cents |
80 | quatre-vingts | 800 | huit cents |
90 | quatre-vingt-dix | 900 | neuf cents |
1,000 to 100,000,000 (thousands and millions)
1,000 | mille | 10,000 | dix mille |
2,000 | deux mille | 50,000 | cinquante mille |
3,000 | trois mille | 100,000 | cent mille |
4,000 | quatre mille | 500,000 | cinq cent mille |
5,000 | cinq mille | 1,000,000 | un million |
6,000 | six mille | 5,000,000 | cinq millions |
7,000 | sept mille | 10,000,000 | dix millions |
8,000 | huit mille | 50,000,000 | cinquante millions |
9,000 | neuf mille | 100,000,000 | cent millions |