Fractions are one type of numbers in Excel. When merging fraction and text together directly using the concat function, the fraction turns to a number with decimals and the fraction format disappears.
For example, in the example below when merging text and fraction together, "8%" turns into "0.08".
To merge the text and fraction together without losing the fraction format, please use the TEXT function.
=TEXT(B2,"?/100")&" are "&A2
Where TEXT(B2,"?/100") will keep the fraction format.
If you want to "10" as the denominator, you can change 100 to 10.
TEXT(B2,"?/100") is to keep the format of the proper fraction. If you need to have the mix fraction, please use the formula below.
=TEXT(B2,"# ?/100")&" "&A2
When the fraction is greater than 1, the fraction turns into the mixed fraction. For example, "149/100" returns to "1 49/100".