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Landing of the 33 Patriots Day (Uruguay)

Landing of the 33 Patriots Day is a public holiday in Uruguay, and it is observed on April 19. The holiday commemorates the anniversary of when the 33 Patriots landed in Uruguay on April 19, 1825.

In the early 19th century, Uruguay was changing hands between the British, the Spanish, and the Portuguese. In 1816, Portuguese Brazil invaded Uruguay and made it Brazil's Cisplatina province in 1820. The revolutionary José Gervasio Artigas was forced into exile in Paraguay.

Juan Antonio Lavalleja, who worked with José Gervasio Artigas, led 33 patriots secretly to return to Uruguay on April 19, 1925. They took the oath to fight against the Brazilian government. On August 25, 1825, Uruguay declared independence, which led to the Argentina-Brazil war. The war lasted over 2 years and ended on August 27, 1828. After the war, Brazil recognized Uruguay's independence in 1828.

The following is the list of Landing of the 33 Patriots Day in Uruguay from 2022 to 2026.

Landing of the 33 Patriots DayApr 19, 2022Tuesday
Landing of the 33 Patriots DayApr 19, 2023Wednesday
Landing of the 33 Patriots DayApr 19, 2024Friday
Landing of the 33 Patriots DayApr 19, 2025Saturday
Landing of the 33 Patriots DayApr 19, 2026Sunday

Please check more public holidays in Uruguay:

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