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Hungarian Revolution of 1848

The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 is a public holiday in Hungary, and it is observed on March 15 each year. The holiday commemorates the Revolution and the following War of Independence against the Austrian-Hapsburg rule.

Inspired by the Revolution in France and Belgium, in early 1848, the Hungarian reformers organized a bloodless revolution that formulated a series of demands including the famous twelve points. The revolution forced King Ferdinand I to sign the April Laws.

However, the April Laws were arbitrarily revoked by the young Austrian monarch Franz Joseph without legal competence, which led to a strong anti-Habsburg dynasty among Hungarians, and the demand for the full independence of Hungary.

The events grew into a war for full independence from the Habsburg dynasty. Revolutionary Army won the battles in the early stages of the war, which made the young emperor Franz Joseph I had to ask for help from Russia. The joint army of Russian and Austrian forces defeated the Revolutionary Army, and the Hungarian revolution was quickly brought to an end.

The following is the list of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 from 2022 to 2026.

Hungarian Revolution of 1848Mar 15, 2022Tuesday
Hungarian Revolution of 1848Mar 15, 2023Wednesday
Hungarian Revolution of 1848Mar 15, 2024Friday
Hungarian Revolution of 1848Mar 15, 2025Saturday
Hungarian Revolution of 1848Mar 15, 2026Sunday

Please check more public holidays in Hungary:

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