In Excel, you can use MINA function to find the smallest number in a set of numbers when you want to include logical values and text information representing numbers in a reference in the calculation. Please refer to MIN function if you do not want to include them.
= MINA(number1, [number2], …)
– Number 1 is required;
– [number2] … numbers other than the first are optional.
– When a cell contains errors or information that can not be translated into numbers, the MINA function may return to errors.
– Blank cells are ignored.
– The logical values will be translated into 1 when they are TRUE values and 0 when they are FALSE values.
Example 1: What is the minimum income in Column C?
= MINA(C2:C9) The minimum income is 1.
Example 2: The MIN function vs. the MINA function
= MINA(C2:C9) The minimum value is 1.
= MIN(C2:C9) The minimum value is $53,308.
In this example, cell C6 is ignored because it is a blank cell. Cell C8 is translated into 1 because it is a logical value where value TRUE is translated into 1. The MINA function includes the logical value while the MIN function does not include the logical value.