Guru Ravidas Jayanti

Guru Ravidas Jayanti is a restricted holiday in India and it falls on the full moon day of the month of Magh in the Hindu calendar, which is about January and February in the Gregorian calendar.

Guru Ravidas Jayanti marks the birthday of Guru Ravidas, and it is a very important day for the Ravidassia religion followers. Ravidassia religion is an Indian religion that was founded in the 14th century based on the Ravidas' teachings.

The following is the list of Guru Ravidas Jayanti from 2022 to 2026.

Guru Ravidas JayantiFeb 16, 2022Wednesday
Guru Ravidas JayantiFeb 05, 2023Sunday
Guru Ravidas JayantiFeb 24, 2024Saturday
Guru Ravidas JayantiFeb 12, 2025Wednesday
Guru Ravidas JayantiFeb 01, 2026Sunday

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