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How to Format Thousand into K or Word Thousand by Formula

When working with large numbers, you often need to add a thousand separator. Also, in some other situations, you may want to change the thousand to K instead of many 0s. For example, 10,000 to 10K.

1. Turn into K

Please use the formula below to format thousand to "K":


Where "#.00" is to keep 2 decimals.

If you also want to add a thousand separator when converting thousands into "K", please use the formula below.


2. Turn into work of Thousand

Another way is to round the large numbers into nearest thousands, then combine with the work of "Thousand" with the following formula.

=TEXT(A2/1000,"#,###.##")&" K"

or to add the word of "thousand" after the number.

=TEXT(A2/1000,"#,###.##")&" thousand"

Please note that the formula will turn to ".K" or ".thousand" when the number is less than 5 and you need to keep 2 decimals. To avoid this to happen, you can combine IF function to condition out in Excel 2016 or earlier version.

=IF(A2<5,"",IF(A2>=5,TEXT(A2/1000,"#,###.##")&" K"))

If in Excel 2019 and after, IFS function makes the condition much easier.

=IFS(A2<5,"",A2>=5,TEXT(A2/1000,"#,###.##")&" K")

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