Drukpa Tshechi

Drukpa Tshechi is a regional holiday in Nepal and the state of Sikkim, India, and it is observed on the 4th day (Tsheshi) of the 6th month (Drukpa) of the Tibetan Calendar, which usually falls in July or August on the Gregorian calendar.

Drukpa Tshechi is to celebrate Lord Buddha and his first preaching of the "Four Noble Truths" of life sufferings to his five disciples. The Four Noble Truths are fundamental to Buddha's philosophy. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

Many devotees and pilgrims during the festival travel from far and wide to attend the celebrations.

The following is the list of Drukpa Tshechi from 2022 to 2026.

Drukpa TshechiAug 01, 2022Monday
Drukpa TshechiJul 21, 2023Friday
Drukpa TshechiJul 09, 2024Tuesday
Drukpa TshechiJul 28, 2025Monday
Drukpa TshechiJul 18, 2026Saturday

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