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How to Count Cells with Decimal Numbers

An integer is the number zero (0), a positive natural number (e.g., 1, 2, 3), or a negative integer with a minus sign (e.g., -1, -2, -3), while a decimal number can contain digits other than 0 to the right of its decimal point. To figure out the count of cells with decimal numbers, you can use the ROUND and SUMPRODUCT functions.

The ROUND function can round a number to its nearest integer, and the SUMPRODUCT function returns the product of numbers in an array.

Example: In the following database, the city is in column A, and the temperature is in column B.

Formula 1: How many cells are decimal numbers (e.g., 0.5, 1.3, 2.2)?


Four cells are decimal numbers in column B.

If the range includes text strings, please use the formula below.

Formula 2: How many cells are decimal numbers?

=SUM(IF(ISNUMBER(B2:B12), IF(ROUND(B2:B12,0)-B2:B12<>0,1,0)))

The formula is an array formula, and you may need to type "Ctrl+Shift+Enter" after entering the formula into a cell.

Notes: The SUMPRODUCT Function

The SUMPRODUCT function adds all the multiplication results for all arrays.


=SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], …)


– Array1 is required, the first array is to multiply and then add.
– Array2 is optional, the second array is to multiply and then add.

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