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American Citizenship Day

American Citizenship Day is a public holiday in Puerto Rico on March 2 each year. The holiday commemorates President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act on March 2, 1917, in which Puerto Ricans were extended United States statutory citizenship.

Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean region under Spanish rule from 1508 to 1898. After the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain ceded the ownership of Puerto Rico to the United States.

The following is the list of American Citizenship Day in Puerto Rico from 2022 to 2026.

American Citizenship DayMar 02, 2022Wednesday
American Citizenship DayMar 02, 2023Thursday
American Citizenship DayMar 02, 2024Saturday
American Citizenship DayMar 02, 2025Sunday
American Citizenship DayMar 02, 2026Monday

Please check more public holidays in Puerto Rico:

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