If you want to send out Email with one account, and want the replies to go to another email account, you can set up in Outlook with the steps below:
Step 1: Click "New Email" to create an email;
Step 2: In the "New Email" window, click "Options" tab, and then click "Direct Replies To";
Step 3: In the "Properties" window, check "Have replies sent to", and click "Select Names" (or type the contacts to the box). Click "Close" at the bottom;
If you want this for all the emails, please see the steps below:
Step 1: Click the "File" tab from the in the main Outlook window;
Step 2: Click "Account Settings";
Step 3: Click "Account Settings" from the drop-down list;
Step 4: Check "Have replies sent to", and type the contact address in the box, then click "Close" to close the window.