How to Count the Minimum Value

In statistics, the minimum value in a dataset is the value of the smallest observation of a sample. You can use the MIN function to find the smallest value from a set of data values.

Example: You are working with a dataset with the first name in column A, the last name in column B, and the salary in column C.

Formula 1: What is the minimum salary in column C?


The minimum income is $53,308.00.

Note: When cells contain error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers, the MIN function will return errors.

Formula 2: What is the minimum salary in column C and $11,211?

=MIN(C2:C12, 11211)

The minimum income is $11,211.

Notes: The MIN Function


= MIN(number1, [number2], …)


  • Number 1 is required;
  • [number2], …: numbers other than the first are optional.


The MIN function will count numbers, arrays, or references that contain numbers, while empty cells or cells with text values will be ignored.

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